
Translation Inconsistencies

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Translation Inconsistencies

Postby nullity » Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:59 am

I noticed in some of the cut scenes that the sword "Valis" is referred to as "Varis". Is there any meaning to this, or did the voice actors just mispronounce the word? If it was a simple error, then I have to chuckle because it would remind me a bit of this scene from UHF (one of the greatest movies of all time, btw, if you've not seen it before):

Has anyone else found any other inconsistencies?

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Re: Translation Inconsistencies

Postby Arjak » Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:55 am

LMAO! I've never seen UHF, so that video made me go nuts for a second. :lol:

The only one for the Turbo that pops into my mind is from Ys I & II, when they changed Dogi's name to Colin for some reason, then left it as Dogi in Ys III, no doubt confusing many young kids back in the day.

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Re: Translation Inconsistencies

Postby roflmao » Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:39 pm

That's probably my favorite scene from UHF!

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Re: Translation Inconsistencies

Postby Paddyfitz18 » Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:54 am

For some reason the part I remember best about UHF is Conan the Librarian. Heh.

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Re: Translation Inconsistencies

Postby nullity » Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:26 pm

Hahah... "Don't you know the dewey decimal system?!" "Sorry, these books are a little overdue... "

I think the part I remember most was Weird Al as Rambo in the helicopter with Kramer blowing things up. ( : Ahhh.... such a good movie. I think I'm going to have to watch it tonight!

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Svarta Tigern
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Re: Translation Inconsistencies

Postby Svarta Tigern » Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:15 pm

It's been said that the Telenet games were dubbed in Japan. So even if a voice actor spoke perfect English, they were likely reading inconsistent scripts. The credits also have some L/R variations, like Rogless/Rogress.

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