
Such a good game

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Such a good game

Postby lukester » Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:01 pm

One of my all time favorites. Right up there with Mario land 1, Kirby's adventure, mega man 2 and other platformers.

The other Top tier pce platformers

New adventure island- best "technical" 16-bit platformer
SonSon II
Parasol stars
Aoi blink- Mario world light + wonder boy
Momotaro katsugeki- megaman plus Keith courage
Parasol stars
Ninja gaiden
Liquid kids

thoughts? Memories?

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Re: Such a good game

Postby majors » Wed Dec 30, 2015 12:48 pm

Bonk 1 and 2 are must owns. I actually went through Bonk 3 over the holidays. I like part 1 for more for nostalgia and the fact you can chain hits for extra lives.

I do not consider Parasol a platformer, but regardless a top 10 if not 5 title.

Buddy was telling me about Katsugeki, so I fired it up. Didn't get to far, but it seems solid and VERY humorous. Died a lot, but that might just be my old age ass...or I'm doing it wrong with the moon runes. I love me some Legendary Axe for platforming fun. And you cannot forget Ninja Spirit!
Majors -=- Wedoca '15

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