
New Year's Resolution: Obey Edition

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Re: New Year's Resolution: Obey Edition

Postby wildfruit » Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:49 pm

My resolution is to watch nullity's avatar 50 times a day

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Re: New Year's Resolution: Obey Edition

Postby esteban » Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:23 pm

Happy New Year, bastards.

wildfruit wrote:My resolution is to watch nullity's avatar 50 times a day

I JUST ADDED THIS to my list. See below.

Scruffles wrote:my resolution is 1366 X 768
Zing! Well, since gaming has once again gotten between me and more important facets of my life, I'm gonna do my best to eliminate certain parts of it (gaming, that is... not my life, ya dick). I think I'm gonna get rid of my playstations (2 & 3 message me if interested), at least until persona 5 comes out. That way I will have at least 1 less distraction this year. I suppose once things are back in order, I can get back to those screenshots/reviews that I said I'd work on over a year ago... I'd really like to see the site updated more frequently, and since nullity's had so much going on this year, I feel like i should step up and be more active so this place doesn't get stagnant... Before Christmas, we almost matched the record number of users in the chat (I think the record is 8[?] and we had 7) which isn't really a big deal, but it's pretty awesome to me... I'd like to see that kind of thing happen more often, so if anyone has any suggestions feel free to speak your mind. (no butt stuff) Anyway, this is extremely late (as usual) but happy holidays, and thanks for being the biggest part of duophile.

Greetings, comrade. :)

I know knot who you are. I do knot know what stuff nullity has been going through, but I figured he was busy with REAL LIFE.



MY NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION IS TO COMPLETE SOME MAGAZINE STUFF so that nullity and I can destroy the universe.

I ALSO WANTED TO ACTUALLY VISIT THIS FORUM and participate, but I keep forgetting to add it to tapatalk. Does this forum support tapatalk? I don't even know.

ANYWAY, good luck to you all.


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Re: New Year's Resolution: Obey Edition

Postby jtucci31 » Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:58 pm

esteban wrote:Happy New Year, bastards.
Does this forum support tapatalk? I don't even know.

Ha! That's a good one. Null hates tapatalk for whatever reason

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Re: New Year's Resolution: Obey Edition

Postby jtucci31 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:02 pm

I haven't forgotten about my New Year's Resolution yet! Surprisingly. So far, I've completed 3 games.

Mysterious Song-Really great. Short, but i want to replay it soon on the harder setting and try that extra dungeon.
Ys III-Really enjoyed the platforming in this. The music was stellar, as I expected.
Keith Courage-I like KC. Felt good to finally beat it. May not go back to it for awhile though.

Looks like I'm going at a 1-a-month pace. Which would put me right at my goal if all goes well. I'm thinking about playing through Final Zone II and Blood Gear next. We'll see though.

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Re: New Year's Resolution: Obey Edition

Postby jtucci31 » Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:15 pm

New clears I have made. Slowly chugging along.

World Class Baseball -Yes, I'm counting it. I played through the pennant race/season. I like baseball games and this one wasn't too bad. I did pretty well all the way through. Played this in long car rides on a vacation this summer.
PC Genjin 2/Bonk's Revenge -Finally beat this one. Kept getting to the end where you have to beat all the bosses again. After about the 3rd time going through it, it got pretty easy. Great game.
Salamander -Took me quite a few hours of playing it over and over, memorizing each stage. I had it all down, it was just a matter of not messing up.
Atlantean -I've had this for awhile, finally decided to sit down and give it some serious runs. Really love the tunes.

I'm up to 7 now. Even if no one really reads this, it's more for me anyway. So bug off.


Re: New Year's Resolution: Obey Edition

Postby sirhcman » Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:05 am

jtucci31 wrote:New clears I have made. Slowly chugging along.
I'm up to 7 now. Even if no one really reads this, it's more for me anyway. So bug off.

Nice job!

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Re: New Year's Resolution: Obey Edition

Postby jtucci31 » Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:16 pm

Forgot to add one.

Ninja Spirit - Beat this a few months ago. Really enjoyed this one.
Gate of Thunder-This may be one of my favorite SCD games. Music is great and the game looks fantastic.

Now up to 9!

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Re: New Year's Resolution: Obey Edition

Postby jtucci31 » Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:29 pm

3 more down.

Makai Prince Dorabocchan- Cool platformer. Not great, but not terrible either. I enjoyed it.
Override- Per Lukester's suggestion in the GotW thread on PCEFX. Fun shooter that's pretty easy.
Street Fighter II- Finally beat the PCE version. Not that it was terribly difficult on normal, I just never sat down to do it. Can't go wrong with SFII.

I'm at 12 now. Maybe I can hit 20 for the entire year. That would be nice :)

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Re: New Year's Resolution: Obey Edition

Postby jtucci31 » Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:40 pm

The Legend of Xanadu- This game is fantastic and I will definitely replay it when the translation comes out.
Lords of Thunder- Didn't like it as much as Gate of Thunder, but that doesn't mean I don't love Lords!

Up to 14. Hoping to beat a few more before the year is over. Did better than I expected.

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Re: New Year's Resolution: Obey Edition

Postby jtucci31 » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:45 pm

PC Genjin 3 - Gets a bad rap, but I quite enjoyed this one. I've now finished every Bonk game on PCE, on to the Zonks!

With that, I hit 15 games cleared on the year! I hit exactly what I had wanted to at most. I think next year I'll challenge myself some more and go for 20ish.


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